
Travel Inspo

Travel Blogs

About Me




What’s up, my good people!

My name is Zekarias. I’m your world wandering, adrenaline seeking, photo taking, harmonica playing brother hailing from North Carolina while living in the Netherlands.

I share black travel experiences to help wandering souls conquer fears of traveling the globe and exploring the beautiful and dynamic mother nature surrounding us.

I’m a firm believer that achieving a better understanding of nature and our place in it will bring us closer together in harmony with each other and our own inner-spirits.


The more places I go, the less of us I see when traveling and exploring nature. Afrowanders is here to address that issue by helping you understand a few key things about traveling while black and nature exploration.

1) Why it’s so important to travel.

2) What you can expect when you travel as a black person in specific countries.

3) How to get prepped for an international trip. Whether that’s solo, or with your squad.

4) The spiritual & physical benefits of exploring nature through hiking, camping, laying in the grass, and other outdoor activities.

I want black people to feel confident, safe, and secure in planning their own international trips to the destination of their choice. Life begins where your comfort zone ends, and we all should find an escape route out of our cultural bubble that we call our comfort zone.



Oooo that’s a deep one! My family is from Ethiopia but I was born and raised in America. Being raised in an African household while the majority of my friends and daily experiences were centered around American life helped me understand the power of bridging the gap between cultures – specifically black cultures since my district was majority black.

There has always been this burning flame in me to get to know people with different backgrounds than my own.

It’s all for the thrill I felt when we broke past the cultural barrier and started vibing out on how much we actually have in common!

In college, I swan dived into a pool of debt by studying abroad in London and that’s where the travel bug bit me on my big brown ass.

That bite still stings today as I wander around the globe exploring, examining, and embracing each culture I face.

I moved to the Netherlands through my job as a systems engineer, so that I could use the country as a launching pad to explore all of the countries on this side of the world. So far I’ve solo traveled to 12 countries and running. This journey is just beginning and I’m extremely excited about where it’s going. I don’t know exactly where that is, but that’s the exciting part. See ya on the blog!

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Ya boi,

